5 Reasons to Use the Twitter List Feature
1) Monitor without following - one of the things I like is that you can monitor a
group of individuals in a list without having to follow any of the folks on the list on
twitter. You may actually want to follow people you find on a list, but you may
also want to monitor industry niche lists for a week or two while you’re pitching a
new client in that industry. You can delete a list very easily, deleting hundreds of
followers is harder.
2) One button list follow - the fact that you can find a list and follow the entire
collection with one button makes it very easy to manage. I think this may become
the chosen way to find people to follow. If someone you trust tells you about a list
of people you should be following and all you have to do is hit one button to do
so, you’re probably going to do it. I predict this feature is going to dramtically
impact how people follow.
3) Promote your lists – this is such a great way for a group of people to promote
each other on Twitter. You can promote your clients, your suppliers, your referral
lunch group, you name it. Think about how great it would be to promote an event
where you could follow all the speakers prior to the event, or what about all the
attendees. You could create a list from sign-up details. In fact, what a great way
to create collections of twitter folks that your employees should follow or even
employee lists. The fact that it is so easy for people to follow a list by going to a
URL – and that list can be edited by the owner at will, means a lot.
4) Filtered by an expert – Every business should consider creating a handful of
Top 10 “fill in your narrow niche” to follow on twitter. By being the one that filters
and creates easily sharable industry specific lists, you can add to your own
credibility in the industry. (Did I mention you can add yourself to a list you
5) Build a bigger following – Many of the ideas I mentioned above will naturally
help you grow your own following. Creating a handful of useful list and promoting
those lists in public places and to the members on the list will raise your
exposure and lead to more follower.
Check out this list of Small Business Experts – you can monitor the entire group
with one click