Searching Twitter to Stay on Top of the Trends
If you really want to be part of the mainstream Twitter conversation, it pays to follow the current trends
– and the newly designed Twitter website makes that easy to do (see above).
You can see at a glance which topics are hot “by the minute, day and week” so if you instantly want to
jump into a conversation, just pick a topic and go for it. Just don’t forget to enter the relevant keyword
or hashtag into your Tweet so it gets bundled up with the others.
There are actually lots of benefits to using Twitter as your search engine, instead of using say Google
or Yahoo. Let’s see why.
Google and Yahoo are both excellent search engines but when you closely analyse them, they are
just computer algorithms. They are (obviously) not human, they don’t have feelings or emotions, and
they just return results to you based on your keywords
Now for part of the time, that’s all you need. If you want to know the birth date of say Winston Churchill
for your school history essay then a computer algorithm can easily return you the pages you need. But
what if you want to know something more personal? What if you want to know where to get the best
ice-cream in London? Or if you want to know if Gmail is down for other people besides yourself at that
moment? This is where the computer algorithm hits its limits, because it can’t make personal
preferences and it can’t respond to real-time information requests. It can only rely on spider-visited
websites which may have been crawled say a month ago.
If you really want to be part of the mainstream Twitter conversation, it pays to follow the current trends
– and the newly designed Twitter website makes that easy to do (see above).
You can see at a glance which topics are hot “by the minute, day and week” so if you instantly want to
jump into a conversation, just pick a topic and go for it. Just don’t forget to enter the relevant keyword
or hashtag into your Tweet so it gets bundled up with the others.
There are actually lots of benefits to using Twitter as your search engine, instead of using say Google
or Yahoo. Let’s see why.
Google and Yahoo are both excellent search engines but when you closely analyse them, they are
just computer algorithms. They are (obviously) not human, they don’t have feelings or emotions, and
they just return results to you based on your keywords
Now for part of the time, that’s all you need. If you want to know the birth date of say Winston Churchill
for your school history essay then a computer algorithm can easily return you the pages you need. But
what if you want to know something more personal? What if you want to know where to get the best
ice-cream in London? Or if you want to know if Gmail is down for other people besides yourself at that
moment? This is where the computer algorithm hits its limits, because it can’t make personal
preferences and it can’t respond to real-time information requests. It can only rely on spider-visited
websites which may have been crawled say a month ago.