Crowdsource: Ask fans to tell you what coupon they want next or what recipe
they want to see next on your blog. Make sure if you are asking for fan feedback,
you are able to act on it first.
1. Use every status update category: Text, links, images and video. Variety increases
reach and user engagement.
2. Use the 80/20 rule: 80% of status updates should give value to the fans first, 20%
Top Tips for Ongoing Ads Management
Keep testing and improving
The most successful advertisers on
Facebook refresh their ad creatives every
10–12 days. Test multiple ads and use the
reporting in your Ads Manager to...
Create Custom Facebook Timeline Cover Photo With Effects
Now that Facebook Timeline feature has been rolled out worldwide, users are busy tweaking it before the 7 day trial period ends possibly to hide their shady past...
Post Facebook, Twitter & Google+ Updates Using Chrome Extension
With the advent of Google Plus we now have yet another social networking space where we can dump all our status messages. But pushing updates to all these...
Sync Google Plus to Twitter, Facebook & Identi.ca with Agent G
Want to sync your Google Plus updates to other social networks, without having to use a browser extension? There's a new way to do this, called "Agent G,"...
Conjoined twins share single heart
Birth defects like the Mermaid syndrome, a deformity where the legs are fused together, Craniopagus, a phenomenon where twins are joined at the head, and Dicephalic parapagus, a condition...
How To Activate AIRTEL Mobile Sending A Sms For Free
default all the airtel phones are blessed with automatic already activated of airtel live but with this kind of gprs plan activated ,you can’t reach any other sites on...
Connect Mobile To Your Personal Computer
Connecting mobiles to PC have always been difficult but that could really easy if you understand the basics of connecting mobile to PC and transfer your ringtones* games* Data between...
Samsung SGH-500 codes
Try it at your own risk
#*6837# = Official Software Version
*#9999# = Software version
*#8888# = HW version
*#8377466# = Same HW/SW version thing
Tips to improve your PC security in 7 Times
1. Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software.
Install Anti-virus and Anti-spyware software on your computer before you start surfing the first time. The difference between...
I did a search on "make money online" and "making money online", and much of the information out there is just promoting various info-products, mostly about Internet marketing. I see why...
Twitter to Facebook: 5 Ways to Post to Both
There once was a time when our Facebook friends wanted nothing to do with our Twitter updates. Now that Twitter is growing at an astounding rate and rounding the mainstream bend,...
Facebook the large social network, contains more than 750 million users having fun with their friends and more. Now Facebook is changing lots of features like Chat, Messages, Advertisements and more. Few people are...
Import Move Send Or Transfer your Orkut Photos to Facebook
Migrakut is an application made for FB that allows you to copy all of your orkut’s photos and albums to your facebook profile. Easy, safe and free!
- Access...
Advantages of Facebook Pages over Groups Undeniable pros for FB Pages!
Pages and Groups both have their own individual functions, but one shines over the other for several different reasons (I'm talking about Pages, if you...
How to make money on Facebook?
If you are a Facebook user or have been around social networking sites for a while, you’ve probably heard that! But, is it really possible to make money with facebook? How would...
Looking for cheap outsourcing alternatives? Chances are, you would have came across Fiverr, an online community where you can find freelancers who are willing to offer various services for just $5. One offer you will come...
Twitter recently announced that their photo-sharing service is now available to all users. You can now tweet photos without having to use third party services such Twitpic and Yfrog. A camera icon should appear on the bottom...
Google Plus for Businesses is not available as of yet, but Google has announced that business fan pages will become an available feature later this year. For now, they are still field testing the profile system for individual...
While most industry insiders have a firm grasp on Facebook’s monetization models, most people still don’t understand how Facebook makes money. For those that still don’t know how Facebook makes money, we thought we’d take...
Advantages of Facebook Pages over Groups Undeniable pros for FB Pages!
Pages and Groups both have their own individual functions, but one shines over the other for several different reasons (I'm talking about Pages,...
facebook fan pages
A fan page lets you grow as big as you want, send updates to an unlimited number of people, and keep the focus on the organization without revealing the administrator (unless you want to).
Okay, so once...
Facebook has taken a strong stand against spamming.Facebook is the hottest social networking site for marketing.To stop multiple account creation and other illegal activities like automatic account creation or automatic...
We all use facebook but still alot of us are unware of how to use smileys in chat.Some of us just think how the other person have sent a smiley.Well it is very simple to send smileys in facebook chat.You have to just enter...
Password Interception
The fact that the username and password were sent in cleartext is a security vulnerability. An
adversary could read Facebook user names and passwords o of the Ethernet or unencrypted wireless