In Bed with Bollywood
The Top 15 bedroom scenes that changed the way the Hindi film industry (and you) view sex on screen
With Kareena finally agreeing to do a steamy bedroom scene in 'Heroine', we give you a list of Top...
5 Blogger widgets and Tool For Blogspot Blog
Blogger widgets play a very important role in giving Professonal look to bloggers blog,such widgets are also helpul in increasing page visits ,and for this blogger and many other blogger-widgets provider created many free widgets for blogspot user at regular interval,There are many useful widgets and scripts which you could use to add interactivity to your Blogger powered blog i have created a list of some most popular and commonly used widgets by bloggers
Recent Comment Widgets-First the...
How To Back or Recover Disable or Deleted Facebook Page
Facebook Deleted your Profile or Facebook Deleted your Page , or You have done that by mistake , Don’t worry you can get back your deleted and disabled fb pages by requesting facebook using below form.
Fill out this form if your page has been disabled.
Fill out this form if your page had a bug – accidental deletion, hack attack, etc.
Facebook is not like google , If you violated facebok policy then fb will not gone enable your page ,because there business is not related with your page.So...
Facebook’s new, simplified 'inline' privacy settings
In August 2011, Facebook greatly simplified its privacy controls by creating what
it calls “inline privacy settings.”
What this means is that users will be...
Special safeguards for teens
Parents may want to know that Facebook has safety and privacy settings for users under
18 which provide them with more protection. These include:
• Search: Teens can’t be listed in public...
Controlling who sees each timeline item
Your teen can control who can see any item in their timeline by clicking on the
audience selector icon to the right of each listing.
You can control who sees each item on your timeline.
Activity Log
Your Activity Log, which only you can see, is a great tool for reviewing everything
you’ve ever shared on Facebook since the day you opened your account. Not
only can you see everything, you can also go back and adjust the privacy
settings for each “story” or post – or delete it entirely. If it’s...
Controlling or removing what others post
Only you and your friends can post on your timeline. To turn off your friends’
ability to post, click the little down arrow on the top right of your screen and
select Privacy Settings. Then click Edit Settings next to How You Connect and
click on Friends next to Who can post on your timeline? to change the setting to
Only Me.
You can hide or delete any posts to your timeline at any point. Hover over the
post till you see a little pencil to the right and then click on that pencil and
How to Get Verified on Facebook
Facebook has systems in place to detect any fake Profiles. Fake Profiles may be jokes (for example, someone creating a Profile for her dog), or they may be spammers (robots creating accounts...
Blocking People and Applications on Facebook
Blocking someone on Facebook is more or less the digital equivalent of some combination of a restraining order and a witness protection program. For the most part, if you add...
Posting Photos and Videos on a Facebook Group Wall
If there's a certain photo or video you think other members of your Facebook Group would enjoy seeing, you probably want...
How to Upload Videos to Facebook
Uploading a video to Facebook involves going out into the world, recording something, and then moving it from your video camera onto your computer. Assuming you've already done that part...
Searching for tweets by location
If you use a Twitter client on a mobile device that includes a global positioning system (GPS)
sensor, chances are that the client can use that information to update your Twitter location
Twitter Tips--Searching for tweets that mention a person
Reply tweets always begin with @username ,but plenty of tweets mention users by including @
username somewhere within the tweet text. It could be a retweet, a shout...
How To Use Orkut Friends As Facebook Friends ?
How To Import Orkut Friends In Facebook ?
If you have been using Orkut and later now started to use Facebook means, here we have the perfect solution to make your Orkut...
Import Contact Scripts - Facebook, Hotmail, Orkut, Rediff, Gmail, Yahoo
Import contacts from Facebook, Hotmail, Orkut, Rediff, Gmail, Yahoo and many more
Do you own a web site / web portal and want to import / invite...
Facebook Marketing 8 Top Tips
Facebook has now passed 620 million users and is a social media platform that can not be ignored by any brand trying to build a serious online presence.
Many companies are struggling...
Export Email Addresses of your Facebook Friends
Facebook turns emails into images so until recently there was no easy way to download the emails of your friends without manually copying them all out. Luckily before I did this I discovered the video below.
The video above shows how Yahoo offers a service that will automatically pull all of your facebook emails into a coma separated list.
Make 2 Free Calls Per Day Anywhere in The World
Now you can Make 2 Free Calls Per Day Anywhere in The World. Yes you read it correct! 2 Free calls per day anywhere in the world. You can do this by using EvaPhone. EvaPhone...
Export Email Addresses of all your Facebook Friends
With the growing of social networking sites into our lives, it has indeed become necessary to care about the social networking circle that we create and nurture throughout...
Get 1000 Twitter Followers in a Day
Twitter lies amongst the top position in the list of the most admired and heavily used social networking site. A Twitter user always want his/her tweet to reach the the eyes of as...