Controlling who sees each timeline item
Your teen can control who can see any item in their timeline by clicking on the
audience selector icon to the right of each listing.
You can control who sees each item on your timeline.
Activity Log
Your Activity Log, which only you can see, is a great tool for reviewing everything
you’ve ever shared on Facebook since the day you opened your account. Not
only can you see everything, you can also go back and adjust the privacy
settings for each “story” or post – or delete it entirely. If it’s something you want
to keep but not share, consider changing the setting to Only Me by clicking on
the audience selector icon to the right of the activity and changing the setting.
You can access the Activity Log by clicking on your name in the blue bar to the top right
of the screen and then Activity Log just below the cover photo.
From Activity Log, you can delete or change the audience of any post, regardless of how
old it is. Notice the down arrow to the right of “All” in the upper right corner. Click on
that to review a specific category (posts, photos, etc.).