Special safeguards for teens
Parents may want to know that Facebook has safety and privacy settings for users under
18 which provide them with more protection. These include:
• Search: Teens can’t be listed in public searches. Adults can, though they have
the option to opt out.
• Tagging: Only friends and friends of friends can tag teens. Anyone can tag
adults. If a friend tags a minor, the tag is visible to anyone who can see the post
on Facebook or within apps and games. If a friend of a friend tags a minor, it’s
more restrictive. In that case only the teen’s friends will see a link to the tagged
content. The ability to review tags is on by default for teens and off by default for
• Audience: The maximum audience that a teen can share with is friends of
friends. Adults can share with the public. Teens can, however, post in a public
forum, and any comments they make to a post can be seen by anyone else who
can see that post.
• Location-sharing is turned off by default, but teens can turn it on. For adults it’s
on by default.
• Subscribe: It’s not possible to subscribe to a teen’s posts or timeline because
they can’t post to the public from their timeline. Teens can, however, subscribe to
anyone’s posts.
• Friend requests: While anyone can request to be a friend of a teen, there is no
ability to include messages within friend requests to teens.
• Messages: Only friends and friends of friends can send messages to teens.
• Chat: Teens can only chat with friends.
•Advertising: Facebook will not display advertisements to teens about adult
content, alcohol, dating, gambling and lotteries, health and fitness and
subscription services.
Those are the defaults for teens vs. adults. Now let's look at the options all users
have to control their privacy in more detailed, granular ways.