Import Contact Scripts - Facebook, Hotmail, Orkut, Rediff, Gmail, Yahoo
Import contacts from Facebook, Hotmail, Orkut, Rediff, Gmail, Yahoo and many more
Do you own a web site / web portal and want to import / invite friends using your members´ Hotmail, Facebook, Orkut, Rediff, Gmail contact book? If yes, integrate import contacts right away with your web site.
Want to know how Import contacts works? People will provide log in details for their Hotmail / Facebook / Gmail / Rediff accounts and we will scrape their contacts and send invitation to register or visit your web site / web portal.
There is great benefit of having this feature in your web site or web portal. It creates chain of marketing email automatically. If you integrate this feature in your web site or portal, your web site can be spread among more and more users very easily and very fast. It will really derive good traffic towards your site. On an average normal person will have at least 25 persons in their contact or address book? Think and try to visualize result of having this feature in your site.
Contact us today for Import contacts more information. You can have this feature in your site at very low cost.