How to Get Verified on Facebook
Facebook has systems in place to detect any fake Profiles. Fake Profiles may be jokes (for example, someone creating a Profile for her dog), or they may be spammers (robots creating accounts to send thousands of fake friend requests). Regardless, they're not allowed on the site.
You, however, aren't fake or a spammer; how does Facebook know that? Facebook figures that out by verifying you. Now, you may start out verified, or it may take a little while. To figure out whether you still need to get verified, look at these questions:
Did you join with an authenticated e-mail address? Authenticated e-mail addresses are ones that not just anyone can get. For example, Google provides e-mail addresses to its employees that end with a specific domain name. You can't have that address unless you work for Google. Most colleges and workplaces have authenticated e-mail addresses. If you joined with one of these, you were automatically verified.
Do you have an authenticated e-mail address that you didn't join with? Joining a network with your authenticated e-mail address also serves to verify you.
Do you not have an authenticated e-mail address? You will need to get verified as you use the site.
Without an authenticated e-mail address, Facebook unfortunately has to assume the worst about you: That you may send spam or inappropriate content to people on Facebook. It's suspicious and paranoid, but it wants to trust you, so it's going to start testing you.
Until Facebook trusts you, you will continue to see CAPTCHAs when you interact with other people on Facebook. Through your normal use of the site, eventually Facebook will believe you are not, in fact, malicious, and it will stop showing you CAPTCHAs wherever you turn. You can forgo having to solve many of these by instead being verified through your mobile phone. In order to do this, your mobile phone needs to be able to receive text messages (also known as SMS messages). If you don't have a mobile phone, or it doesn't have this capability, don't worry — you'll still get verified as you start using Facebook.
To get verified via mobile, follow these steps:
Search for someone and click Add to Friends.
A pop-up appears that double-checks that you want to add this person as a friend.
Click Send Request.
A security check will appear in the form of a CAPTCHA (seen below).
Click the Verify Your Account link (located beneath the CAPTCHA).
A new Confirm Your Phone pop-up appears, as shown below.
Select your country and enter your mobile phone number.
Check your mobile phone for a text message that contains a code.
Enter the code into the Code field in the Confirm Your Phone pop-up.
Click Confirm.
Facebook won't send you any other mobile messages unless you choose to opt into Facebook Mobile.
If you're already verified, you won't see a CAPTCHA. You may not be able to use mobile verification if your phone can't receive text messages, but don't worry, you'll still get verified eventually just by being a normal user of the site.
Facebook has systems in place to detect any fake Profiles. Fake Profiles may be jokes (for example, someone creating a Profile for her dog), or they may be spammers (robots creating accounts to send thousands of fake friend requests). Regardless, they're not allowed on the site.
You, however, aren't fake or a spammer; how does Facebook know that? Facebook figures that out by verifying you. Now, you may start out verified, or it may take a little while. To figure out whether you still need to get verified, look at these questions:
Did you join with an authenticated e-mail address? Authenticated e-mail addresses are ones that not just anyone can get. For example, Google provides e-mail addresses to its employees that end with a specific domain name. You can't have that address unless you work for Google. Most colleges and workplaces have authenticated e-mail addresses. If you joined with one of these, you were automatically verified.
Do you have an authenticated e-mail address that you didn't join with? Joining a network with your authenticated e-mail address also serves to verify you.
Do you not have an authenticated e-mail address? You will need to get verified as you use the site.
Without an authenticated e-mail address, Facebook unfortunately has to assume the worst about you: That you may send spam or inappropriate content to people on Facebook. It's suspicious and paranoid, but it wants to trust you, so it's going to start testing you.
Until Facebook trusts you, you will continue to see CAPTCHAs when you interact with other people on Facebook. Through your normal use of the site, eventually Facebook will believe you are not, in fact, malicious, and it will stop showing you CAPTCHAs wherever you turn. You can forgo having to solve many of these by instead being verified through your mobile phone. In order to do this, your mobile phone needs to be able to receive text messages (also known as SMS messages). If you don't have a mobile phone, or it doesn't have this capability, don't worry — you'll still get verified as you start using Facebook.
To get verified via mobile, follow these steps:
Search for someone and click Add to Friends.
A pop-up appears that double-checks that you want to add this person as a friend.
Click Send Request.
A security check will appear in the form of a CAPTCHA (seen below).
Click the Verify Your Account link (located beneath the CAPTCHA).
A new Confirm Your Phone pop-up appears, as shown below.
Select your country and enter your mobile phone number.
Check your mobile phone for a text message that contains a code.
Enter the code into the Code field in the Confirm Your Phone pop-up.
Click Confirm.
Facebook won't send you any other mobile messages unless you choose to opt into Facebook Mobile.
If you're already verified, you won't see a CAPTCHA. You may not be able to use mobile verification if your phone can't receive text messages, but don't worry, you'll still get verified eventually just by being a normal user of the site.