Posting Photos and Videos on a Facebook Group Wall
If there's a certain photo or video you think other members of your Facebook Group would enjoy seeing, you probably want to post it to the Group's Wall. Maybe you met members of your favorite band or recently arrived back home from a trip to the Alps. Other members of the Group formed to celebrate these subjects would probably love to see your photos and videos. Show them off.
Click the Photo icon in the Publisher (at the top of the Group Wall).
The Photo Publisher appears.
Click Upload a Photo.
Choose your photo from the correct folder on your computer.
(Optional) Add a comment about the photo in the Say Something box.
Click Share.
The post then appears on the Group Wall, and all members (depending on notification settings) will be notified about your post. They can then comment and be part of what you are sharing.
If you want to take a photo of yourself and post it, do it like this:
Click the Photo icon in the Publisher (at the top of the Group Wall).
The Photo Publisher appears.
Click Take a Photo.
Pose for the camera and follow the onscreen instructions.
Remember to smile.
(Optional) Add a comment about the photo in the Say Something box.
Click Share.
Maybe you have a video from your most recent Ultimate Frisbee game or from a family trip. This is a great way to share it just with family members, and be certain they are able to see it. To post a video, follow these steps:
Click the Video icon in the Publisher at the top of the Group wall.
The Video publisher appears.
Select Upload a Video (you can also record a video if you have a Webcam).
Click Choose File.
Your computer's files will be brought up.
Navigate to the video you want and click Select.
(Optional) Type some thoughts into the Say Something box
You might want to explain why you thought the video would be of interest to your fellow members. Or you can say nothing and let the video speak for itself.
Click Share.
The video then appears on the Group Wall, and in members' notifications and News Feeds.